I know we’re a little unique compared to other eFeds, so here is your chance to ask me anything about KING GEORGE VI WRESTLING CLUB, World of Sport Wrestling?
It is probably no surprise that I am a big fan of 1970’s and 80’s British World of Sport wrestling. Not just the in-ring style, but also the presentation. World of Sport was actually the name of the afternoon sports show, wrestling was just one section of it and while the characters did get more and more exaggerated, the pretence was that it was a sports programme, therefore primarily just matches, presented in a legitimate way. I also like 90’s AJPW and current day CMLL where their TV shows are done in a similar fashion.
As far as the Ringsport Magazine, I loved how these old magazines such as Ringsport, The Wrestler, Wrestling Review and even PWI wrote about wrestling, their use of language to put over their athletic credentials and and also their backstory.
I also think as an eFed, you have to be different. I first joined one in 1997 and during the boom up until around 2001ish. People have less time to devote nowerdays to writing and reading, we also consume the internet differently so I always thought it was important to give people a different hook.