Before you jump in and post a Roleplay, please cast your eye on the requests below:
Try to keep all roleplays under 400 words. If that is a struggle think about adding another character or taking up smoking.
Racism and Sexism are for the workplace, not for our Flash board.
Please do not use anyone else's character without permission or any 'real' personalities/wrestlers/magicians.
Unless stated otherwise, there is a 1 promo and 1 RINGSPORT MAGAZINE submission per show. Feel free to post more, but you'll only be judged on the top performing contribution.
Adding pictures, ornate text, and other fun details is perfectly fine. If you’re aiming for a promo that’s all glitz and glamour, feel free to go all out babe.
Please do not reply 'in character' to your opponents roleplay. If you wish to post another roleplay, create a new topic.
Let’s make this enjoyable, so go ahead and express any ideas and opinions. Just don't be a donkey about it.